Guide for Authors



The journal welcomes original research and review articles which have not been previously published nor are currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Submission of an article means that all authors have approved the manuscript and agreed to publish it in this journal.


Manuscript should be written in good English (American and British are accepted). Authors should proofread the text to avoid grammatical or spelling errors, as the manuscript may be returned due to poor language usage.

Submission to this journal proceeds totally online, via  website or, emails.


Review Policy
This journal follows a double blind reviewing procedure, where both the referee and author remain anonymous throughout the review process. 


Article structure

Text layout

Use double spacing and single column justified format. 12 pt font size and standard fonts such as Times New Roman are recommended. Number all pages consecutively. Full length articles (including tables, figures and references) should not be longer than 8000 words (review articles may be extended up to 12000 words).

Manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to express the manuscript, for example, Abstract, Keyword, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions.


Title page

Title: Use a concise and informative title.  Avoid abbreviations where possible.

Author names and affiliation: Please indicate the full name of each author with accurate spelling. Declare the authors’ affiliations (where the actual work was done) below the names. Provide the full postal address of each affiliation.

Corresponding author: indicate who will be corresponding at all stages of refereeing and publication as well as post-publication. Ensure that an E-mail address is given and that contact details are kept up to date by the corresponding author.


The abstract of a maximum 250 words should state the purpose of the research, the principal results, and major conclusions briefly, and must be able to stand alone. Non-standard or uncommon abbreviations should be avoided.



Provide a maximum of 6 keywords, immediately after the abstract.



The introduction should briefly state the objectives of the work and provide an appropriate and adequate background. The main aim of the work should be mentioned in brief.

Materials and Methods

A full description of materials and experimental procedures must be provided. New methods and protocols should be described in detail, while well-established methods can be briefly described and appropriately cited. Give the name and version of any software used.

Results and Discussion

Provide a concise and precise description of the experimental results and discuss how they can be interpreted from previous studies and the working hypotheses. A combined Results and Discussion section is preferred. Avoid extensive citations and discussion of published literature.


The main conclusions of the study must be presented in a separate section.



All Figures and Tables should be inserted into the main text close to their first citation and must be numbered following their number of appearance (Fig. 1, Table 1, etc.). Authors are encouraged to prepare figures in colour.

Please save the images to one of the following formats (note the resolution requirements):
TIFF (or JPEG): Colour or grayscale photographs kept to a minimum of 300 dpi.
TIFF (or JPEG): line drawings kept to a minimum of 800 dpi.


Financial support should be mentioned. Meanwhile, any support given can be acknowledged. This may include administrative and technical support.

Math formulae
Please submit math equations as editable text and not as images.



Citation in text

Please ensure that every reference cited in the text is also present in the reference list (and vice versa).

Citation of a reference as  ‘in press’ implies that the item has been accepted for publication.



Reference style

Text: Indicate reference by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text. The actual authors may be referred to, but the reference number(s) must always be given.


… demonstrated [3,5].

Koch and Gerlich [6] obtained a different result….

List: Number the references (numbers in square brackets) in the list in the order in which they appear in the text.


Reference to a journal publication:

[1] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, The art of writing a scientific article, J. Sci. Commun. 163 (2010) 51–59.


Reference to a journal publication with an article number:
[2] J. van der Geer, J.A.J. Hanraads, R.A. Lupton, 2018. The art of writing a scientific article. Heliyon. 19, e00205.

Reference to a book:
[3] W. Strunk Jr., E.B. White, The Elements of Style, fourth ed., Longman, New York, 2000.

Reference to a chapter in an edited book:
[4] G.R. Mettam, L.B. Adams, How to prepare an electronic version of your article, in: B.S. Jones, R.Z. Smith (Eds.), Introduction to the Electronic Age, E-Publishing Inc., New York, 2009, pp. 281–304.

Reference to software:
[5] E. Coon, M. Berndt, A. Jan, D. Svyatsky, A. Atchley, E. Kikinzon, D. Harp, G. Manzini, E. Shelef, K. Lipnikov, R. Garimella, C. Xu, D. Moulton, S. Karra, S. Painter, E. Jafarov, S. Molins, Advanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) v0.88 (Version 0.88), Zenodo, March 25, 2020.


Graphical abstract

Providing a graphical abstract is optional. The graphical abstract should express the contents of the article in a concise, pictorial form. Graphical abstracts should be submitted as a separate file in the online submission system. Please provide an image with a minimum of 500 × 1200 pixels (h × w) or proportionally more. Preferred file types are TIFF and JPEG.



Although highlights are optional, authors are encouraged to include them in articles to increase the discoverability of articles via search engines. Highlights consist of a short collection of bullet points that indicate the novel results of your research. Highlights should be submitted in a separate editable file in the online submission system. Please use 'Highlights' in the file name and include maximum 3 bullet points (maximum 85 characters, including spaces, per bullet point).